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Friday, March 23, 2018

Good vibes

I sat in my chair, pulling the good vibes toward me with my mind. I was sure that everything was going to be ok. All I had to do was focus on the positive! Legs crossed, eyes closed, humming to myself.

The good vibes I called to myself were sure to get me through the difficulties in my life. I just needed to believe in them hard enough. It was kind of like magic. If you believe enough, it becomes real. So I reminded myself.

I took a slow, deep breath, and focused on all the wonderful things of the world in my mind. I thought of people having a good time playing games, cute animals romping about fields, delicious food being prepared, and couples falling in love under the moonlight. Yes, surely these good vibes would get me through it all.

I opened my eyes, as the bottom of the cage I sat in was lowered into the boiling oil. Oh, right. That was still a thing. The oil rose over the lip of the cage, and a thin layer of scalding death wrapped around my legs. Good vibes, I tried to remind myself.

The scalding oil now reached my chest, as the cage dipped ever lower into the oil. I would have screamed, but no sound was coming out of my throat. I had no air in my chest, and couldn't catch my breath. But good vibes would get me through this!

As the oil covered my head, and I felt the last terrible burning sensations engulf me before I passed out and died, I reminded myself. I can trust in the good vibes to get me through this.

Good... vibes.

This blog post is part of a series of stories associated with Practice makes pretense, in which a collection of writing done in response to prompts is compiled. Then, the reader should answer the following two questions: 1) What was your favorite thing about the writing? 2) What did you feel as you read it?

If you would like to view the original, please visit the Practice makes pretense book on Wattpad, and respond to the writer.

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