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Tuesday, March 6, 2018


Today's entry is Greeting. Instead of the usual entry, which would just be written, I have composed a song, for which the music can be listened to here.

Hello, I greet you.
Good day, nice to meet you.

How fares your life in this crazy time?

If only a meeting,
So nice as a greeting,
Could guarantee your love for this heart of mine.

In summer, I met thee.
Yet you hardly know me.
I sought thy company for days on end.

Yet seasons keep flowing,
And ever it's showing,
A greeting alone, a heart will not mend.

This blog post is part of a series of stories associated with Practice makes pretense, in which a collection of writing done in response to prompts is compiled. Then, the reader should answer the following two questions: 1) What was your favorite thing about the writing? 2) What did you feel as you read it?

If you would like to view the original, please visit the Practice makes pretense book on Wattpad, and respond to the writer.

1 comment:

  1. 1) You made music
    2) Probably because I realized that the piano sycned up with the syllables I thought it was soothing
