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Sunday, March 18, 2018


"Come on, it's not that bad, Joshua. You don't even feel it!" Zeke said. Across the table, Zeke had a sincere smile on his face. Joshua trusted him implicitly, but he still dreaded the idea of it.

"Zeke, man, you are so cool, but I just... can't. I mean it looks awesome, but I am worried. What happens if something goes wrong?" He replied. "I need my eyesight to do my job! I can't afford to lose it."

"Look, dude. If you're that worried, then just do one eye first." Zeke responded. Joshua was getting a little bit angry. Losing sight in even one eye would make his job significantly more difficult.

"No. I just can't. Listen, I'll happily get another piercing or a tattoo elsewhere, but those sclera tattoos seem too dangerous to me."

"Man, I thought you were chill. But alright. You don't have to get one if you don't want one." Zeke replied. After that, the two of them sat in silence for a while, waiting for the pizza to show up at the table.

After they finished eating, the two friends went their separate ways. Zeke called up later that week, and showed off his new sclera tattoo. Joshua was impressed, but knew he could never bring himself to do the same.

This blog post is part of a series of stories associated with Practice makes pretense, in which a collection of writing done in response to prompts is compiled. Then, the reader should answer the following two questions: 1) What was your favorite thing about the writing? 2) What did you feel as you read it?

If you would like to view the original, please visit the Practice makes pretense book on Wattpad, and respond to the writer.

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