So, recently I have been seriously fluctuating between emotions.
As the result of decisions made in the past (not all of them my own), I find myself saddled with unnecessary anger and resentment about certain things (those who know me know what things).
I've been trying to think of what I can do to channel this negative energy into something productive.
See, anger isn't itself always a bad thing. Sometimes, it can be a powerful force for change which is for the good... the problem with anger is that often it blinds us to reason, causing us to use that energy instead for revenge or petty squabbles (becoming a powerful force for change that is for the worse).
So, I've been... we can say meditating, I suppose, upon not just the feeling, but on the reason why I have the feeling... on what I can DO with that feeling. (Just meditating on the feeling would be putting me perilously close to being blinded by the anger and doing rash things, like I mentioned above.)
Honestly, this emotion this time cannot just disappear. It's justified. I have every right to be angry. Normally, I let my anger pass, and I forgive and move on. However, this time, it's justified in more ways than one. Instead of the anger being based on something that happened that affected me for the moment, it is based upon something that happened to me that will affect me for the rest of my life... and that's the kind of thing that no matter where you turn, it will show up again sooner or later.
So, the question is, where do I expend this emotion?
I haven't figured it out, yet. I'm not sure I can ever find a truly positive way to use this anger, except to fight to make sure that as few people as possible go through what I have, and to do something expressive to release the negativity.
For the sake of expressing my emotions so they don't overwhelm me, I have decided I would write a short story, or a poem. If you want to read it, I'll be linking it here, when it's finished.
I think I have learned something about the consequences of people's actions from this whole... life.
All actions a person takes are permanent. None of them can be undone. Some can be reversed, and some cannot, but they cannot be undone. It happens once and you can't turn back time (except if you're in science fiction).
I had always kept this in mind when choosing what I said to people. After all, words are either bullets, ornaments, or bandages. Bullets if they're used to hurt (once said, you can't take it back, just like firing a bullet from a gun). Ornaments if they're nothing more than decoration. Bandages if they are used to heal a hurt that someone has experienced.
Now I'm thinking more critically about my actions too. I have done my best for... most of my life, at least, to only do things that would cause the least amount of harm (and when applicable, the most amount of good).
And although my intentions have almost always been measured, now I'm thinking about what small and seemingly innocuous actions I take can potentially devastate others. And how long they could be hurt by these things. Even though the thing that has bred in me this anger I feel was by no means a small thing, it could be mistakenly seen as such. And that is exactly how it was seen... by everyone except me. To me, I feel that I should be the one to make decisions about my body, not anyone else... and that's part of why I have cast off the shackles of body image issues... or at least, body image issues caused by suggestions of how I "should" look to be "attractive".
So, will I ever heal from this? I don't know.
Have I learned something? Yes, but it makes me nervous.
I don't even know when I could potentially be hurting someone and don't know it.
On the other hand, I do trust my intuition of others' emotions, so I will attempt (as usual) to do as little harm as possible. The only potential roadblock to that is that some people never reveal how they feel... those who hold everything inside and never express themselves are much harder to read. (Not impossible, just difficult.)
So, am I angry? I'm not, and I am... but I vow to focus where I can on being a positive person.
Life is hard enough, relationship are hard enough... without being angry at everyone.
This is the poetry I mentioned above.
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